Engage for Good Conference

15 Reasons to Attend EFG2017

Perhaps you’ve never attended the Cause Marketing Forum (now Engage for Good), or just need a good reason to attend this year. Here are fifteen!

15) It’s our fifteenth birthday and we’re throwing a party

– you wouldn’t want to miss a good party, would you?

14) You’ll rub shoulders with some pretty impressive corporate, nonprofit and agency brands like this


13) Unlike so many other events, the faculty is focused on sharing best practices and lessons learned

– things you can actually use in your daily work. You’ll walk away with at least one idea you’re psyched to get started on – hopefully many more!

12) If you work at the intersection of cause and commerce, there’s no other event that focuses exclusively on this work and how to engage consumers and employees with social good efforts.

If this is your sector, it’s a must-attend.

11) When you’re here, you’re family.

Attendees frequently comment on how open and sharing this community is.

10) When you come with questions and are brave enough to ask them, you’ll get some really great answers.

We don’t promise to solve all your worldly challenges, but the smart people around you are always willing to share their insights with you.

9) You’ll get a one-of-a-kind look into what other corporate and nonprofit brands are planning and implementing.

Whether it’s from a keynote speaker at the front of the room or the person sitting next to you, you’ll leave this event understanding the important trends to watch and be a part of.

8) You’ll leave supercharged and inspired with great ideas,

some borrowed, some generated on your own, fueled by the buzz of the crowd.

7) You’ll meet some really incredible people.

It’s our number one comment. Many a partnership and friendship have been started or cemented at this event.

6) Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned professional, there’s something for you.

From Cause Marketing 101 to advanced topics, we’ve got you covered.

5) You’ll get case studies galore.

From the Halo Awards to in-depth sessions exploring what worked and what didn’t, you’ll leave equipped with proof cases to share when you return to the office to help move your own work forward.

4) If you’re not already super-networked (and really, who couldn’t use more good contacts?), we’ll help you meet people in a non-intimidating, structured way, starting at the very beginning of the event.

Our goal is to help you get to know people efficiently and quickly.

3) You’ll find plenty of non-structured networking times, also.

Starting opening night with a wine reception, dinner  and, of course, our birthday party (all included in your registration) and continuing with networking breaks, pre-luncheon reception and Halo Awards luncheon, you won’t want for times to connect with friends, new and true.

2) You’ll get a chance to participate.

While everyone loves our keynote speakers, they also appreciate time to participate in the discussion. You’ll find that our breakout sessions provide time to ask questions and discuss topics important to you.

1) If you want to go even deeper on a specific topic..you’ll love the workshops.

You’ll find our pre- and post-conference workshops an opportunity to dive in with a small-group setting (separate fees apply). Attendees often cite these as their favorite part of the whole event because of the one-on-one attention they receive.

So what are you waiting for? Register today!

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